
Paulette Insall, Tucson Abstract Artist in Arizona | Modern contemporary traditional luxury home decor ideas

Beautiful art that resonates in the soul

Contemporary Abstract Painter Paulette Insall's paintings come from her heart....expressing emotion as a visual language, using pure color and expressive marks to connect and communicate. Her abstract art emits a special light and magic that is both spiritual and moving.

Filtering by Tag: interior design

Opening reception for art show at Archer Vineyard in Newberg, Oregon

Excited to share with y'all about my exhibition at Archer Vineyard in Newberg, Oregon! There are twelve pieces on display, with eight of them being brand new artwork created especially for this show. If you are in the Portland, Oregon metro area, I hope you will stop by the opening reception this Saturday, July 9th between 2:00-5:00pm. I will be there during the entire event, so I'd love to see you!

Shop update this week!

Abstract art in progress

Abstract art in progress

I'm busy this week with taking pictures of all the new art, editing photos, and such so I won't be doing much in the way of painting this week as I need to focus all my energy on admin things.

Which means I have a bunch of new art for you! I believe I counted 17 new paintings!


And there's all sizes...so if you need a small painting to beautify that desk or shelf, or if you have big empty wall that needs a big dose of color.

I've got ya covered. :D

I'll be updating my online shop with all the new paintings later this week, but if you don't want to miss out,   sign up to be notified here: http://www.pauletteinsall.com/newsletter-sign-up



New painting series


I've started a new painting series that I'm super excited about! Having a serious love for texture, I wanted to explore that in my work.

Don't these remind you of weathered things that have seen much life and stood the test of time?

Hmmmm....haven't named this series yet, but me thinks I might just be onto something here. 

What do ya think? 

For regular doses of beauty in your inbox,  sign up here.

Friday, in the studio...

I got back in the studio today and added a bunch more layers to this beauty....still more to go though. No more time to paint until Monday, so it will be waiting 'til then.

Have a wonderful weekend y'all and I'll see ya back here next week, ok? xo

Paulette Insall in Tualatin, OR on Houzz